To call Chester an attorney may be accurate, but it does not encompass what he does best... advocate for tow operators. He has not only worked for many years as a lobbyist but has also represented tow truck companies in district and municipal courts at impound hearings and successfully defended RTTO operators against charges of violating state hulk hauling laws. Using his skills as an attorney, Chester is able to draft legislation, analyze proposed legislation and research legislative intent concerning both pending and current legislation. Chester enjoys fostering the “grass roots” lobbying effort and working with Associations, like the T.R.A.W., to identify positive opportunities for his clients and help them get what they deserve.
Mark worked with our predecessor organization as the lobbyist for the Washington Tow Truck Association. Mark has been working tirelessly in Olympia for nearly 40 years. His work covers a broad range of matters including work on transportation and tax legislation. Mark brings his knowledge and expertise as the lobbyist that helped write and pass RCW 46.52 (now RCW 46.55) and helped prevent our industry from being saddled with a “low bid contract” when responding to WSP impound calls. He has been addressing the impacts of regulation on our industry longer than many of us have been in business and he continues the good fight for us today.
Together Mark and Chester form a very dynamic duo and have worked together for years. Both of these men have committed themselves to aggressively advancing our issues and looking for efficient and effective legislative solutions that will benefit the T.R.A.W. and our members for years to come. They cannot do all the incredible work without a terrific support team like they have in Peter Lukevich.
Peter needs no introduction; for most he is a familiar face. He served as the T.R.A.W. Director for three years, 2016 - 2019. There are few people who could do our fighting in Olympia better than Peter and that makes him an asset to our Lobbying team. With his background as a lawyer and judge, he knows the laws that govern us and challenges we face. He has fought for tow operators representing cases on Homestead and Servicemember issues and advocating for our industry as our previous Director and over the past few years serving on our lobbying team.
The three of them all bring great strength to the table on behalf of our members and industry and we are better for it. Another example of what you can accomplish with "The Power of a Team".

Meet your T.R.A.W. Lobbyist Team
Chester Baldwin, Mark Gjurasic & Peter Lukevich
Have a good legislative idea or a question?
Call the TRAW office at (206) 532-5076 or email to
Contact Us:
Phone: 206-532-5076 Fax: 206-364-3111
P.O. Box 25174, Seattle, Washington. 98165